Sarvastivada Buddhist Scholasticism by Charles Willemen, Bart Dessein, Collett Cox

By Charles Willemen, Bart Dessein, Collett Cox

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When coming from the 'gandharuas' . Cp. 38, n. tasya/:t paicimaya uttarasya iti". 666al 315; MN II,157. 52. E. Jr. 1 15: " ... accept the fact of an intermediate state between death and rebirth in the next life. The occupant of that state is called a 'gandhar­ va, ' a special type of subtle-form body that is produced by the same karman that produced the physical body and which feeds on scent". e. lghabheda) , and striking the Tatha­ gam, with such force and with malicious intent so as to draw blood ( tathii­ gatasyantike dU$tacittarudhirotpadana) .

W. , 19939, pp. 1 7-22. 24. See also Dirghiigama, T . ; Sarviistivadavinaya, T. 1 435, p. 239b7 ff. 2, p . 1 82. 24. nA 37 Paiicalas occupying the country to the east of the Kurus, with their capitals at Kampilya and Kanoj ; and the Matsyas, to the south of the Kurus and the Surasenas, in the region of modern Jaipur, with Virata (Bairat) as capital. 5 The royal families of some of these kingdoms were united by matrimonial alliances, and were, not seldom in consequence of those alliances, from time to time at war.

G. in the *A�tag;rantha. C. and that is meant to give definite Sthaviravada conclusions concerning doctrinal dis­ putes,lOO attributes ten theses to the Hetuvadins101 , whereby he distinguishes the Hetuvadins from the Sarvastivadins. Moreover, 95 BibL lndic. 546. 413. 73. VoL54, No. 205a27-29. 72-73. l 04. , 1 884, p . , 1927, pp. , - 1 956, p . Jl;filiil 'l'l! iiill" . See also Bareau. , 1 955 (b) , p . 245. A. Jayawickrame, Pali Text Series, 1 69, London, 1979. 101 Kathiivatthu, XV,5; XV,7; XV,8; XV, 10; XVI,3; XVII,4; XVII,5; XIX,8; XX,2 and XXIII,5.

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