The real Jesus by Garner Ted Armstrong

By Garner Ted Armstrong

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For that matter why not her father and his father, and so on? Interesting, isn’t it—how some of the major doctrines of professing Christianity cannot be found in the Bible? There is no 50 mention whatever of Mary being “immaculately conceived” and the words aren’t even used in the Bible. Because of Augustinian guilt complexes, religious folk have taken the completely erroneous notion that sex is dirty, filthy, evil, and, even if necessary for the propagation of the human race, it is surely something of which to be ashamed.

Now read the critical verse of Mark 6:3 again. As Jesus was teaching in the synagogue, some of His persecutors began to say, “Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, the brother of James, and Joses, and of Juda, and Simon? And are not his sisters here with us? And they were offended at him. ” He plainly admitted, then, that He, the prophet who was being dishonored, was, at that time, in His own country, and among his own kin. (The James who is mentioned here as one of Jesus’ brothers is spoken of as “the Lord’s brother” by the apostle Paul in Galatians 1: 19.

Of course not! Although through His awareness of material substances and the physical forces working upon them, Jesus’ grasp of the basic underpinnings of historical and dynamic geology, paleontology, zoology, biology, history, and other related subjects, would have been far superior to those of His time, His growing awareness of His own origins and recollections of the fact that “before Abraham was, I am” would have given him a brilliant and incisive perception of geology and the actual formation and substance of the earth far beyond the most skillful of teachers of His time.

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