Saint Juan Diego by Josephine Nobisso

By Josephine Nobisso

It was once to Juan Diego—a humble Aztec farmer residing in sixteenth century Mexico—that Mary, the mummy of God, first brought herself to the area as Our woman of Guadalupe. He spent a lot of his existence in prayer and penance, and took care of the little chapel by way of his hut. There, he could greet the pilgrims who got here to honor their mom of Guadalupe and convey them the fabulous "tilma," or cloak, that preserves Mary's appealing photograph.

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At the point where the two lines touched—the center of this “cross”—the Aztecs believed that the worlds of heaven and earth met. ” 2 GOD’S GREAT PLAN Princess Papantzin, who had fallen into a coma, was accidentally buried alive in 1505. That was thirteen years after Christopher Columbus had landed in another part of the New World. At that time, the Aztecs of ancient Mexico were still waiting to learn whether any of the many gods they worshipped was the true one. ” Another prophecy, based on the Aztec calendar, foretold: “The hour for gaining knowledge of the one true God will come soon.

Bishop Zumarraga wanted Juan Diego to tell him every detail of the Lady’s appearance that day. Juan slept at the bishop’s house that night as an honored guest. The next day many people accompanied Juan and the bishop to the places where Mary had stood on Tepeyac Hill. The hilltop was brown and bare. There was not even a trace of a flower to be seen. From the hill, Juan went to check on his uncle at their house in Tulpetlac. He found the villagers rejoicing. “While you were gone to get me a priest,” the old man told his nephew, “the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to me.

I gave him your message. He listened quietly to me and asked me questions. But I don’t think he believed me, because he told me to come back again, so that he could examine the matter further. He thinks that the church you are asking for is my idea, not yours. Please, my Lady, send some important person to bring your message to the bishop—someone the bishop will respect and believe. I am only a poor, humble villager. Pardon me, my Queen. ” The Lady smiled at Juan Diego with so much love. What he said was true: he was a simple man, good and sincere.

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