Electrical circuit theory by K C A Smith; R E Alley

By K C A Smith; R E Alley

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1 288? 210? 1. )62! 01 -0. 7001 -3 8555 2. )7 I (). 7 [SEC. 8149 1 5190 1 2790 1 0715 09031 07483 06075 04767 03525 02321 0 1130 – O 0Q72 –o. 3286 0 42x O 312! O 207~ o. 104! 0068 107497 7. 6264 0,4733 0 320f 01647 00015 –0. 5801 2. 847! 0,716! 05931 0430. 03711 0261: 0 247! 080@ 09344 08011 0 677( 05592 0 445! 7890 –2 6498 –4. 5893 28039 20860 1 3327 03030 –O 6994 –3 0338 , -12 8084 2U 4216 7 3321 48215 36737 29627 24302 20398 1 6828 13521 I [676 NON UNIFORM SEC. 6 –o. 2145 4 8636 20808 –5 0362 –2 5757 –1 7102 – 1 2514 –o 9550 –O 7425 –O –O –O –O –o –o 5751 –o 4357 –o 3143 –o 2041 –o 1005 S524 6175 4324 2757 1344 –o –O –o –O 7354 5432 3841 2469 I/l.

8a the field configurations of the dominant E- and H-type modes are, therefore, dual to each other. For regions of finite height there is an additional radial component in the magnetic field of the dominant H-type mode, and n # O. Duality between the fields of the two dominant-mode types no longer exists. However, whatever the height, the transmission-line description of the dominant H-type 1Cf. H. S. Bennett, “Transmission Line Characteristicsof the Sectoral Horn,” Pro,. I. , 37, 738 (1949). SEC.

Sec. 3“5). 55 Vi ,, “ 56 TRANSMISSION-LINE MODES [SEC. 22 Plots of the electric- and magnetic-field distributions are desirable as an aid to the visualization of the field distributions in the various modes. Mode patterns of two types are useful in this connection. The one type indicates the electric- and magnetic-field strengths on transverse and longitudinal planes within a waveguide; the other shows the magnetic-field intensity or, equivalently, the current density on the inner surface of the guide, The former of these patterns readily furnishes qualitative information as to the location of points of maximum field strength, power flow, etc.

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