By Johann Caspar Rüegg M.D., Ph.D. (auth.)
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5. This charge movement then would unplug the calcium channel, thus causing the release of calcium into the myoplasm. The theory predicts that the charge distribution in the T-tubular membrane would depend on the membrane potential in an S-shaped manner (cf. Liittgau and Stephenson 1986), and this has been verified experimentally. 1) Tubular membrane 8 Fig. 5. Simplified model ofT-SR coupling by movement of positively charged particles within the T-tubular membrane. c. l. 6A-D. Relation between membrane depolarization, charge movement and contraction in skeletal muscle.
0 reflexions when a vertically suspended frog muscle is subjected to a parallel beam of X-rays as shown in B. 1 planes containing both thick and thin filaments. B Equatorial low angle diffraction by a muscle fibre. The diffracted beams of the X -ray (diffraction angle about 2°) cause a characteristic pattern of spots on a photographic plate. 0 reflexions are shown. 0 planes. 1 plane. For time-resolved studies the 18 Structural Changes During Isotonic Contraction and Stretch. The muscle shortens as the result of the shortening of innumerable sarcomeres connected in series.
3). 1 schematically, the sarcoplasmic reticulum is an internal membrane system which forms a network of tubules lying longitudinally, with respect to the fibre axis, between the myofibrils (Peachey 1965). These longitudinal tubules end in blind sacs filled with calcium, the lateral or terminal cisternae. These vesicular structures are closely apposed to the membranes of other tubules that are oriented perpendicularly to the longitudinal system and usually surround the myofibrils at the level of the Z-disc (amphibian muscle) or in the region ofthe I-band (crustacean muscle, fish muscle, muscles of higher vertebrates).