Advances in Banking Technology and Management: Impacts of by Ravi V.

By Ravi V.

This e-book examines some of the myriads of technical and organizational parts that impression prone administration, enterprise administration, danger administration, and consumer courting administration, and gives study to assist the profitable implementation of linked supportive applied sciences

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2005). A new fuzzy support vector machine to evaluate credit risk. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 13(6), 820-831. S. (2004). Detecting money laundering and terrorist financing via data mining. Communications of the ACM, 47(5), 53-55. S. (2003). Applying data mining in investigating money laundering crimes. In Proceedings of SIGKDD’03, Washington, DC. Section I Services Management  Chapter II Service Quality in Banks: What are the Factors Behind Performance and Customer Satisfaction? Carlo Gabriel Porto Bellini Universidade Federal da Paraíba at João Pessoa, Brazil Rita de Cássia de Faria Pereira Universidade Federal da Paraíba at João Pessoa, Brazil ABSTRACT Quality in servicing customers is an important marketing construct for banks, but idiosyncrasies in the definition of service quality and customer satisfaction, as well as in adapting current instruments to measure them in the international banking industry, constitute major constraints to research and practice.

An important implication in the domain of quality in banking services is that the perceived performance levels for the factors conveniently gauge the quality of services, with no clear need for contrasting between perceived performances and customer expectations (as in SERVQUAL). In terms of implications for management, it is worth noting that customer relationship is the most important quality driver as perceived by the market, even if compared to the financial organization’s utmost purpose of generating business and financial transactions.

50 The bank sponsors sport activities, live shows, and theater plays. 76 * Items moved between factors due to conceptual reasons.  CR Service Quality in Banks: What are the Factors Behind Performance and Customer Satisfaction? when the number of items ranges from 20 to 50 (Hair, Anderson, Tatham, & Black, 1998), which was our case (43). When extracting the principal components from the 43 questions and applying the orthogonal rotation Varimax to help discriminate the variables in each component, six components emergedand not the five previously identified in the conceptual stage.

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