Windows on the world: the information process in a changing by Robert William Desmond

By Robert William Desmond

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George Kennan, former assistant manager of the Associated Press bureau in Washington, arrived as a writer for Outlook magazine. Page 21 A situation, rather than a single happening, arose late in 1902 over a failure by Venezuela to pay certain debts to Germany, Great Britain, and Italy. Those three countries established a naval blockade off the Venezuelan coast, bombarded Porto Cabello, sank or seized several Venezuelan ships, took control of the custom houses at Caracas and elsewhere, and threatened occupation of the country.

Bull fights may have grown up more as spectacles than as sport, but boxing matches were no less so, with million-dollar gates beginning in the 1920s. Soccer and football matches, baseball and basketball, track and field events also were among sports gaining audiences. Great stadiums and arenas had been constructed long before the fourth decade to accommodate the sports followers. Most of this growth in sports occurred largely because of public 5 Important in the development of the bicycle was the so-called "celeripede," produced in Paris in 1816 by Joseph Nicéphore Niepce, even then also engaged in research that was to produce the first successful photographic process a few years later.

Special distinction also was to attach to the later careers of Frederick Palmer, Willmott Harsant Lewis, Joseph Medill Patterson, and Roderick Jones. In the chronology of events, apart from those just noted as bracketing the year 1900, there were broad changes in progress significant of things to come, and of things that would be much in the news. On January 2, 1900, for example, there appeared on Fifth Avenue in New York an ''autostage," a motor-driven vehicle offering public transportation to as many as twelve persons.

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