Wellington's Peninsular Army (Men-at-Arms, Volume 35) by James Lawford

By James Lawford

First and foremost of the Napoleonic interval, the British Army's list left anything to be wanted. throughout the Peninsular struggle (1808-1814), although, Wellington led and expert a military that by no means knew a huge defeat at the box. Even Wellington himself defined his military as "able to head at any place or do anything." This ebook examines the ambitious British military which performed a vital part in stalling Napoleon's develop, concentrating on the employees, infantry, cavalry, artillery and sieges and sappers. a variety of illustrations, together with 8 colour plates, vividly depict the weaponry and uniforms of Wellington's Peninsular Army.

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Brigadiers were distinguished by an inch-wide silver lace on the cuffs. (Sources: AN, Colonies, C8A, 105, f. ) E1: Dragoon, Martinique National Guard, 1802-09 Mounted units in the West Indies, although named dragoons, were dressed in simpler uniforms than in France and with round hats rather than brass helmets. Only the wealthier inhabitants were formed into dragoon companies. (Figures on Plate E are based on the Decree of 14 October 1802 in Durand-Molard, Code de la Martinique, 1811,IV, pp. ) E2: Grenadier, Martinique National Guard, 1802-09 The dark blue infantry uniform was common to all infantry units, but the white companies had longtailed coats while the free black companies had coatees.

Strength was 104 officers and men in August 1794, and it was reduced to a company of 54 all ranks in January 1799. The 1803 Indian expedition An expedition to retake possession of the French posts in India sailed from Brest on 6 March 1803. On board were the 3rd Battalions of the 109th Demi-Brigade of the Line and of the 18th Light, a company of the 6th Light Artillery, a few artillery ouvriers, and a 60-man guard for Captain-General Decaen. Also on board were various staff officers, and 78 officers for a corps of Sepoys to be raised in Pondichéry, giving a total of 1,347 troops.

1811. The uniform was basically that worn since 1793—dark blue with red collar and cuff flap piped white—but with white metal buttons. Chasseurs had green epaulettes, carabiniers had red epaulettes and voltigeurs green epaulettes, but buff instead of red collars. (The West Point Museum, US Military Academy) 37 Bataillons expéditionnaires and two companies of artillery on board. In May the fleet learned that the islands had fallen to the British, who in turn learned of the presence of the small French squadron.

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