The Crash Course To Affiliate Marketing by Gozma G

By Gozma G

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The service programmer makes provisions for the service to be hosted. NET application, the programmer develops that application. 5. The service administrator uses the Service Configuration Editor to configure the service’s endpoints by associating addresses and bindings with the contracts implemented by the service type. 6. The service administrator optionally uses the Service Configuration Editor to modify Windows Communication Foundation behaviors. 7. The programmer of a client application uses the Service Model Metadata Tool to download WSDL describing the service and to generate code and a configuration file for communicating with the service.

SqlRoleProvider, uses a SQL Server database as its store. 0 is suitable, you can readily provide your own implementation to use whatever store of role information you prefer. Role providers hide the details of how role data is stored behind a simple, standard interface for querying and updating that information. 0 application. Roles, provides yet another layer of encapsulation for role management. Roles class is used to inquire whether a given user has been assigned to the Administrator role. com 18 CHAPTER 1 Prerequisites first.

Concomitantly, an alternative to component-oriented programming that is suitable for the reuse of remote instances of classes became progressively more common in practice, although writers seem to have had a remarkably difficult time formalizing its tenets. com Enter Services 25 2004, 2005). That alternative to component-oriented programming is service-oriented programming. Service-oriented programming is a style of software reuse in which the reusable classes are services—classes that implement network facing programming interfaces (WSDL being one way to describe these interfaces)—and the services are designed so as to minimize the number of calls to be made to them, by packaging the data to be transmitted back and forth into messages.

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