Sams Teach Yourself Windows Phone 7 Game Programming in 24 by Harbour

By Harbour

In precisely 24 classes of 1 hour or much less, you will methods to construct excessive functionality video games for home windows cellphone 7 with Microsoft's unfastened XNA 4.0 toolset. utilizing this book's elementary, step by step strategy, you will grasp all of the abilities you want to layout, strengthen, try, and submit hugely playable video games for any WP7 machine. you are going to the best way to combine online game good judgment, contact display consumer enter, bitmaps, animations, audio, physics results, GPS position companies, and extra. every one lesson builds on what you will have already discovered, culminating within the building of a whole video game - and providing you with a rock-solid beginning for real-world good fortune!

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Adding a new font to the Content project . Learning to use the SpriteFont class . Printing text Creating the Font Demo Project At first glance, the text output capabilities of XNA seem to be pretty straightforward, but with a little know-how and experimentation, we find that XNA offers us some really great features for printing text on the little Windows Phone screen. The code here, as elsewhere in this book, will be the standard “XNA” fare, meaning the code would look the same on other platforms supported by XNA (namely, Windows and Xbox 360).

Given the history of Windows Mobile, what is a likely future for Windows Phone and other smartphone devices? A. This answer is subjective, but one can extrapolate a trend by observing the history of Windows Mobile, XNA Game Studio, and services such as Xbox Live and iTunes, to draw a reasonable conclusion about the future. Smartphones and touch tablets like iPad already do what we need them to do, replacing desktop PCs for the most part. Pocket PC users 10 years ago might have been pleasantly surprised by the progress but not in awe, because this technology is evolving at a predictable pace.

Choose the location for the project by clicking the Browse button, or by typing the folder name directly. 6. Click OK to create the new project. 2. 2 The newly generated Font Demo project. ▲ Adding a New Font to the Content Project At this point, you can go ahead and run the project by pressing F5, but all you will see in the Windows Phone emulator is a blue screen. That is because we haven’t written any code yet to draw anything. Before we can print text on the screen, we have to create a font, which is added to the Content project.

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