One Hundred Years of Chromosome Research and What Remains to by A. Lima-de-Faria

By A. Lima-de-Faria

One Hundred Years of Chromosome learn: What continues to be Learned, bargains the reader a severe research of the observations and experiments that formed the final a hundred years of chromosome study, in addition to the information which prevailed in this interval.
Emphasis is put on what is still discovered, fairly in gentle of fact of the sequencing of DNA which leaves the former period of chromosome learn as a prehistoric occasion. it really is at this turning element, that good formulated questions should be requested approximately a number of the chromosome's homes, which stay to be unveiled.

The writer, Lima-de-Faria is Professor Emeritus of Molecular Cytogenetics at Lund Unviersity, Sweden, formerly Head of the Institute of Molecular Cytogenetics, Lund University.

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Gilbert obtained insulin and interferon that were synthesized by bacteria. M. Southern for DNA analysis stimulated the development of a comparable 29 method for RNAs, in which these molecules were hybridized with known radioactive DNA sequences. C. Alwine et al. 1977) . Subsequently T. Maniatis and collaborators prepared gene libraries to isolate genes (1978). Biotechnology had become a reality, and the mammalian, as well as the human egg, were from now on objects of genetic experimentation. 4.

The shifting properties of the DNA and RNA molecules It has been known since the early studies of DNA chemistry (1950s) that the configuration of this molecule changes with the water content (A, Band other forms) . The amount of water in cells varies appreciably from tissue to tissue. The grooves of the DNA molecule are different in these forms and the exposed base configuration is expected to affect the binding of proteins involved in gene expression. But, besides the bases, the phosphate groups of the DNA backbone are now known to play an active role in protein-DNA recognition.

6. peR and other techniques Biotechnology expanded into new areas . W. Gordon et aI. R. Capecchi was able to transform mammalian cells in culture by injection of DNA with micropipettes (1980). Defective genes in mice could be substituted by normal ones following injection into fertilized eggs of these last genes. Important was the fact that the transgenic mice transmitted the normal condition to the offspring (F. Constantini et al. 1986). Plant genes were transferred among species belonging to different families.

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