On the Distribution and Continuity of Water Substance in by Edwin Kessler

By Edwin Kessler

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5858555E o. 5858555E lb. Height vs time where C with height). < 0 (updraft decreasing In this case the particle motion remains or becomes downward, and V w approaches the magnitude X/ C asymptotically. In other words, the descent rate V w tends toward that for which the increase of terminal fallspeed following descent is exactly compensated for by the increased updrafts encountered during descent. Since the growth and motion of a particle tends to bring it to any height z with a fallspeed near Vz = (X/C) - Wz.

Concentration ratios increase along the rising track and exceed 10 in a layer slightly less than 2m thick adjacent to the height where V + w changes sign. Divergence of terminal fallspeeds during most of the descent and expansion of rising air combine to produce considerable dilution of particle concentrations by the time the particles arrive at the ground. Fig. 3 shows the terminal fallspeed of particles in relation to their height for starts at 3000 m in updrafts of various strengths. The time marks indicate, as updrafts increase, that the particles stay a greater proportion of the time in descent in regions of horizontal divergence, with associated dilution of concentrations.

1 shows the onset parameter ta in relation to the conversion rate k1, the initial cloud content m 0 , and accretion coefficient k2' for the case where the conversion threshold a = m 0 /2. Note that when k1 » k2', the time ta is a very slowly varying function of k2', and when k1 << k2', fa is a very slowly varying function of k1. ) The design and and analysis of experiments aimed at securing knowledge and control of processes that govern natural precipitation events need to be considered in the light of this result.

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