Maximus the Confessor and Georgia, 2009 by Tamila Mgaloblishvili, Lela Khoperia

By Tamila Mgaloblishvili, Lela Khoperia

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She nodded her head in conspiracy. ” “Not true,” she mused. Her gaze went to the far bank of the stream. “If they do press the issue, your own Tribunal can add an appendant to the contract on your behalf stating you have adhered to the other contractual clauses, but on this particular matter, must decline on moral grounds. Life for a bastard child is hard enough without having the additional stigma of being an outcast from his own sire. Let your future in-laws know you will not desert your children.

Each time he visited Norus, he experienced an unease he felt acutely this night. He knew the keep was partially responsible for the unease that always accompanied him to this Zone. He had never wanted to know why; had never allowed himself to do so. It was enough he knew the legend of the place and that made him nervous as hell each time he 47 WINDKEEPER was forced to come here. As legend told, the keep had been built over an underground passage into the very bowels of hell. The Brotherhood of the Domination, a sinister sect of warrior-priests dedicated to the eradication of free thought and the enslavement of humanity, had used this particular place to hold sacrifices and plan the dominance of the human race.

I know. I know. You meant no disrespect. ” It was as though the Master-at-Arms had suddenly become aware of the pouring rain. His gaze went to Liza once more and he saw her jump as a streak of lightning flared overhead. Another groan came from his white lips and he was about to leap to his feet, but he remembered, just in time, that his Prince still had not given him leave to do so. He turned his strained and apologetic face to his Overlord. Conar was keenly aware of the man’s predicament. Some devilish imp inside him reared its ugly little head and he simply sat with his hands crossed over the pommel of his saddle and stared at the man with one golden brow raised in challenge.

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