Discrete Groups in Geometry and Analysis: Papers in Honor of by P. Deligne (auth.), Roger Howe (eds.)

By P. Deligne (auth.), Roger Howe (eds.)

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00. The asymptotic expansions in (ii), (iii) are both in terms of certain w's and their derivatives. p(w) is not holomorphic on Qa(Kx ) is finite. p(w) for each wluK is a rational function of t wen). p(w) in the s-plane are negative rational numbers. re known in analysis at least in The fact that the meromorphic continuation of =~. can be proved by using Hironaka's theorem on desingularization was discovered by Bernshtein-Gel'fand [4) and Atiyah [2); asymptotic expansion of Jeanquartier [20). p(i), F;(i*).

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