Can't You Talk Louder, God? by Steve Shultz

By Steve Shultz

Cannot You speak Louder God? is ready how any believer, from any denomination, (even but unsaved humans) can learn how to pay attention God converse. they could additionally examine that God is already conversing, even wooing them regularly. This publication teaches via many own sto

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The course quickly began to bear some very interesting fruit. God was about to use me to encourage some people—during the “today” referred to in Hebrews. By the way, did you know that Jesus had to learn to hear and obey God? Shocking, but true. Check this out:“Although He [Jesus] was a son, He learned obedience from what He suffered…” (Heb. 5:8, emphasis added). The final instructions given to the group were that we should keep using and practicing the gift of hearing God’s voice and telling others what we were hearing.

53 CAN’T YOU TALK LOUDER, GOD? “I’ve never heard of anything like this before,” she said with tears in her eyes. ” I asked. “Yes, it does. Three weeks ago, I buried my husband. We always came to this restaurant—every week on this day. I’m so lonely. And I have a son who is in the military,” she continued. ” She was nearly speechless and didn’t know how to respond. She told me that she was a Christian and that she had prayed a lot to God lately. I ended the conversation with, “Well, God just wants you to know that He’s watching out for you and He hasn’t forgotten about you.

Think of how the disciples must have felt when Jesus told them in their Galilean lingo, “I used to call you a servant,but a master doesn’t confide in his servants. But since you received Me, I call you my friend. ” (Paraphrased from John 15:15-16, emphasis added). The disciples had the benefit of seeing “God with skin on” in the person of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. But most of the time they didn’t fully understand who He was. They saw Him, touched Him, and heard His voice, yet they never fully grasped what and who Jesus really was, until He ascended to Heaven.

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