Baby Of Shame by Julia James

By Julia James

They might had one evening of scrumptious excitement however it were destroyed. Now Greek mogul Alexis Petrakis has stumbled on that their shame-filled evening created anything beautiful...a child that he'll do something to reclaim...

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How could the human body feel so much? How could the sense of touch be so exquisite? So all-consuming. And how could she want more of it? And more, and more, and more? Until her body was a single living flame, a flame that was burning, burning ever fiercer. His body pressed her down. She felt its strength, its power. Her hands revelled in the taut, sculpted muscles of his back, his shoulders. Her thighs strained against the sinewed cords of his. Against her belly she felt the long, hard shaft of his manhood.

And since her mother’s death in a car crash eighteen months ago she’d been in no frame of mind to look for romance. Then there had been all the trauma of seeking out her estranged father and discovering the disastrous situation at his company to keep her from thinking about men. So it was totally immaterial that Alexis Petrakis was the most stunning-looking male she’d ever set eyes on. Her only task was to persuade him to give the green light to MML’s takeover. But that wasn’t a subject she could broach in the middle of a formal business dinner.

She couldn’t drag them away, just couldn’t. Numbly she placed her hand into his waiting one. It was warm, with slight calluses on the pads below the finger joints. He must work out, she thought, the words floating, dissociated through her. The pressure of his grip was firm, but as he slid his hand away there seemed to her to be the slightest, the very slightest, reluctance to do so. Her insides were simply churning like a concrete mixer. Then one of the other guests at the table addressed a remark to him.

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