Literary Artistry in Leviticus (Biblical Interpretation by Wilfried Warning

By Wilfried Warning

This research explores the vocabulary hired within the extant textual content of "Leviticus". the selected method of rhetorical research (with an emphasis upon terminological styles) indicates a gently composed textual content. the fundamental operating speculation that "Leviticus" has been artistically dependent round 37 divine speeches ("and the Lord spoke/sad to Moses (and Aaron)") with bankruptcy sixteen as its attainable structural and theological centre has been substantiated either at the microstructural and macrostructural degrees. The plethora of important micro- and macrostructural terminological styles indicates unique literary cohesiveness and therefore single-handed authorship. those findings are of distinctive importance concerning the so-called "P" and "H" passages, a "layer of priestly reworking", and, much more, the exegesis and theology of "Leviticus".

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Bartelmus, HYH, Bedeutung und Funktion eines althebräischen "Allerweltswortes": zugleich ein Beitrag zur Frage des hebräischen Tempussystems, ATSAT 17 (St. Ottilien: E O S Verlag, 1982). 128 Cf. J . F. A. Sawyer, "The Language of Leviticus,' ‫ י‬in Reading Leviticus: A Conversation with Mary Douglas, J S O T S u p 227, ed. J . F. A. " ing its vocabulary in a concordance, the preference for distinct literary devices—which are presented below—has become evident. It is exacdy the frequency of words, their respective position within a literary entity, and their structuring function that has to be dealt with.

With regard to the point of debate w h e t h e r the center or the outer m e m b e r s are being emphasized, two examples f r o m Leviticus indicate that both are true, simply d e p e n d i n g on the context. While in Lev 6:1-7:21 the root ‫ק ד ש‬ 151 D . J . Clark, "Criteria for Identifying Chiasm," LB 35 (1975): 63. , 66 (his emphasis). , 71-72. " 154 Radday, "Chiasmus," 51, states: "This leads to the second claim, that biblical authors a n d / o r editors placed the main idea, the thesis, or the turning point of each literary unit, at its center.

27-28 announcing Israel's servitude under Nebuchadnezzar are interlinked by means of the noun ‫" על‬yoke" (27:8, 11, 12; 28:2, 4, 11, 14); in the letter to the exiles in J e r 29 it is the name ‫" ירושלם‬Jerusalem" (vss. I 2 , 22, 4, 20, 25); in J e r 32, the purchase of the field, the noun ‫" שדה‬field" is present seven times (vss. 7, 8, 9, 15, 25, 43, 44). Jacob, Das erste Buch der Tora (Berlin: Schocken Verlag, 1934), 156-157, 235, 258, 309, 834-835; U. Cassuto, A Commentary on the Book of Genesis, vol.

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