Linear Algebra Through Geometry (Undergraduate Texts in by John Wermer, Thomas Banchoff

By John Wermer, Thomas Banchoff

This ebook introduces the strategies of linear algebra during the cautious learn of 2 and third-dimensional Euclidean geometry. This strategy makes it attainable to begin with vectors, linear changes, and matrices within the context of frequent airplane geometry and to maneuver on to subject matters equivalent to dot items, determinants, eigenvalues, and quadratic varieties. The later chapters care for n-dimensional Euclidean house and different finite-dimensional vector area

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P( ~), express a' and b' in terms of a and b. If (~) is a given vector and (~:) = Exercise 3. For each of the vectors U in Exercise I, let S(X) = (~:) denote the reflection of (; ) in the line along U. Calculate the coordinates x' and y' in terms of x andy. In each case draw a diagram and indicate several vectors and their images. Exercise 4. Let L be the line 5x - 2y = 0, and let S denote reflection in L. If (~) is a given vector and (~:) = S(~). express a ' and b' in terms of a and b. 3. Let D2 be the transformation which sends each vector into twice itself: D2(X) = 2X.

The set of points {U + rX I0 " r " I} is also a segment, from U to U+X. If X and U are linearly independent vectors, then the set of vectors {rX + sU 10 " r " 1, 0 " s " I} describes the parallelogram determined by X and U (see Fig. 27). The sets {rX 10" r" I} and {sU 10" s " I} form two edges of the parallelogram and the other two edges are {rX + U I0 " r " I} and {X + sU I0" s " I}. The four corners of the parallelogram are, in order: U, 0, X, U + X. If X and U are linearly dependent, but not both 0, then the four points U, 0, X, and U + X all lie on the same line and the set {rX + sUIO" 1, o " s " I} is then a degenerate or collapsed parallelogram.

If X and U are linearly dependent, but not both 0, then the four points U, 0, X, and U + X all lie on the same line and the set {rX + sUIO" 1, o " s " I} is then a degenerate or collapsed parallelogram. ;;; I} is also just the point 0, so the parallelogram degenerates to a single point. ;;; I} is the parallelogram T(II)={rT(X)+sT(U)IO';;;r';;; I, O';;;s';;; I}. Even if X,U is a linearly independent pair, the parallelogram T(II) might be degenerate. Exercise 5. Describe the parallelograms determined by the following pairs of vectors: (i), (:), (b) (~), (i), (c) (n, (=~), (d) (~), (n, (a) (e) (~), (~).

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