Essentials of Evangelical Theology, Volume 1: God, by Donald G. Bloesch

By Donald G. Bloesch

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Extra info for Essentials of Evangelical Theology, Volume 1: God, Authority, and Salvation

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See infra p. 49. Johann Tauler sought to The Meaning of Evangelical 23 avoid the excesses of metaphysical speculation, which in Eckhart's case tended in the direction of pantheism, and thereby gave Germanic mysticism a more biblical thrust. 24. See especially J. A. T. " 25. " Karl Jaspers, Philosophical Faith and Revelation, trans. E. B. Ashton (New York: Harper & Row, 1962), p. 284. 26. Emil Brunner's Die Mystik und Das Wort (Tubingen, W. Germany: J. C. B. Mohr, 1928), a polemic against the mysticism of Schleiermacher, is even in Barth's view an unfair assessment of that great figure in liberal theology.

7. See especially Hans Kting, Justification, trans. Thomas Collins, Edmund E. Tolk, and David Granskou (New York: Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1964), p. 252. In his more recent writing one can discern in Kting a movement away from biblical authority to the authority of experiential verification. While the Gospel remains the primary criterion, there is also an appeal to universally lived human experience. See Hans Kting, On Being a Christian, trans. : Doubleday, 1976), pp. 65 fr, 84 fr. 8. Ralph Martin, Unless the Lord build the house .

There is a general inclination to regard man as innately good and capable of realizing his spiritual potential with the aid of divine grace. An attempt is invariably made to bring the Christian faith into dialogue with the modern world and to make its abiding insights creditable to its cultured despisers. The orientation of liberal theology is not so much theological as psychological-anthropological. It takes for its point of departure not the divine incursion into history nor the self-attesting Scriptures but the exploratory outreach of man's reason.

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