• Geometry
  • Multilinear functions of direction and their uses in by Eric Harold Neville

    By Eric Harold Neville

    This ebook was once digitized and reprinted from the collections of the collage of California Libraries. It used to be made out of electronic photographs created in the course of the libraries’ mass digitization efforts. The electronic photographs have been wiped clean and ready for printing via automatic tactics. regardless of the cleansing approach, occasional flaws should be current that have been a part of the unique paintings itself, or brought in the course of digitization. This publication and thousands of others are available on-line within the HathiTrust electronic Library at www.hathitrust.org.

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  • Geometry
  • Geometry (Transactions of Mathematical Monographs, Volume by V. V. Prasolov, V. M. Tikhomirov

    By V. V. Prasolov, V. M. Tikhomirov

    It is a good survey of Euclidean, analytic, projective and non-Euclidean geometry. The textual content is very unstructured and finally the authors surrender any try out at constitution and easily pile up beautiful theorems in an 80-page "addendum". As a compendium of lovely issues the publication is kind of useful.


    The publication is obtainable to a faculty pupil with a few very easy wisdom of calculus and linear algebra. even as, it's a lot of enjoyable to learn for a qualified mathematician, even for a expert within the quarter - only for the interesting price! The booklet is particularly concise for the volume of the fabric it covers - examine to the 486 pages of the Coxeter's vintage advent to Geometry. but the booklet is so deep that sometimes reaches out to philosophy.

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  • Geometry
  • Vorlesungen über höhere Geometrie by Oswald Giering

    By Oswald Giering

    VI zahlreiche Eigenschaften der Cayley/Klein-Raume bereitgestellt. AbschlieBend erfolgt im Rahmen der projektiven Standardmodelle eine Einflihrung in die Kurven- und Hyperflachentheorie der Cay ley/Klein-Raume (Kap. 21,22) und ein kurzgefaBtes Kapitel liber die differentialgeometrische Literatur mit einem Abschnitt liber Anwendungen der Cayley/Klein-Raume (Kap. 23). Zahlreiche Themen, die in den gebotenen Rahmen fallen, konnten nicht oder nur am Rande betrachtet werden. Dazu gehoren die af finen, axialen, biaxialen und symplektischen Raume, die zugeho rigen Geometrien sowie die Entwicklung und Verwendung von Spe zialkalklilen, etwa des Quaternionenkalklils. Auch ein detaillier tes Studium einzelner Cayley/Klein-Geometrien muBte unterbleiben. Hier konnen die Freunde spezieller Cayley/Klein-Geometrien nicht alle Erwartungen erflillt finden. Bemerkungen und die Abschnitte Blick in die Literatur versuchen jedoch, einerseits dem interes sierten Leser weiterzuhelfen und andererseits den Gebrauch des Literaturverzeichnisses zu erleichtern. Es enthalt vorbereitende, erganzende und weiterflihrende Literatur sowie Literatur, die in Teilaspekten mit der Stoffauswahl zusammenhangt. Es zeigt viel faltige Arbeitsrichtungen auf, gibt Anregungen und ladt zur Ver tiefung ein. Soweit es der Umfang des Buches erlaubte, wurden Aufgaben zur Einlibung des Stoffes eingefligt. Die Figuren sindflir alle Leser bestimmt, denen sie nlitzen. Jlingere Studenten, dieih re Raumanschauung und die Fahigkeit zur Interpretation von Figu ren noch nicht hinreichend entwickelt haben, mogen Figuren zu nachst nicht als Unterstlitzung des Textesempfinden. EinigeObun gen im Anschauungsraum werden jedoch genligen, umFiguren schatzen zu lernen. Der Stoff ist in 23 Kapitel gegliedert. Jedes Kapitel besteht aus Abschnitten (A, B, . . . ), einzelne Abschnitte bestehen aus - terabschnitten (1,2, . . . ).

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  • Geometry
  • The Lin-Ni's problem for mean convex domains by Olivier Druet

    By Olivier Druet

    The authors turn out a few subtle asymptotic estimates for confident blow-up suggestions to $\Delta u+\epsilon u=n(n-2)u^{\frac{n+2}{n-2}}$ on $\Omega$, $\partial_\nu u=0$ on $\partial\Omega$, $\Omega$ being a tender bounded area of $\mathbb{R}^n$, $n\geq 3$. particularly, they express that focus can take place simply on boundary issues with nonpositive suggest curvature while $n=3$ or $n\geq 7$. As an instantaneous outcome, they end up the validity of the Lin-Ni's conjecture in size $n=3$ and $n\geq 7$ for suggest convex domain names and with bounded power. fresh examples via Wang-Wei-Yan convey that the certain at the strength is an important situation

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  • Geometry
  • Geometry and topology of submanifolds, IX : dedicated to by F Defever; J M Morvan; et al (eds.)

    By F Defever; J M Morvan; et al (eds.)

    This quantity offers a scientific and unified method of the research, id and optimum keep watch over of continuous-time dynamical structures through orthogonal polynomials (such as Legendre, Laguerre, Hermite, Tchebycheff, Jacobi and Gegenbauer) and through orthogonal capabilities reminiscent of sine-cosine, block-pulse, and Walsh. This publication concentrates at the program of orthogonal polynomials in platforms and keep an eye on and goals to set up the prevalence of orthogonal polynomials over different orthogonal features

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  • Geometry
  • Geometry by Its History (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) by Gerhard Wanner, Alexander Ostermann

    By Gerhard Wanner, Alexander Ostermann

    During this textbook the authors current first-year geometry approximately within the order within which it was once found. the 1st 5 chapters convey how the traditional Greeks demonstrated geometry, including its a variety of useful functions, whereas newer findings on Euclidian geometry are mentioned in addition. the subsequent 3 chapters clarify the revolution in geometry end result of the development made within the box of algebra by means of Descartes, Euler and Gauss. Spatial geometry, vector algebra and matrices are taken care of in chapters nine and 10. The final bankruptcy bargains an advent to projective geometry, which emerged within the nineteenth century.

    Complemented through a variety of examples, workouts, figures and images, the publication bargains either motivation and insightful causes, and offers stimulating and relaxing interpreting for college students and academics alike.

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