Adhesion Measurement of Films and Coatings, Volume 2 by Kash L. Mittal

By Kash L. Mittal

This ebook records the lawsuits of the second one foreign Symposium on Adhesion dimension of flicks and Coatings, held in Newark, NJ, October 25-27, 1999. This quantity comprises 20 papers, that have all been conscientiously peer reviewed and definitely changed sooner than inclusion. the subjects contain: size and research of interface adhesion; relative adhesion size for skinny movie constructions; adhesion checking out of difficult coatings by way of quite a few innovations; size of interfacial fracture strength in multifilm purposes; laser caused decohesion spectroscopy (LIDS) for measuring adhesion; pulsed laser method for evaluate of adhesion; blade adhesion try out; JKR adhesion try; coefficient of thermal growth dimension; and residual stresses in diamond movies.

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A) and B) are of the same general area but at different magnification. The dotted lines (B) again mark the imaginary lines for the surface and height of the image. The SEM sample tilt angle was 30". P. Buchwalter Figure 21. SEM micrographs of the epoxy/low-k ILD/Si02/Si-wafer MELT locus of failure. A), B), and C) are of the same general area of the epoxy side of the failure. The SEM sample tilt angle was 30". can be detected. It is quite possible that at the onset of crack propagation a multitude of failure loci can be experienced simultaneously (recall that the onset of crack propagation is judged visually).

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Figure 22 shows a schematic of the failure paths in the MELT samples studied, most of which are shown in Figures 19-21. The one not shown is the final failure into the silicon substrate itself with the conchoidal nature characteristic to silicon fracture. 43 Relative adhesion measurement,for thin film microelectronic structures Figure 22. Schematic of low-k ILD/Si02 MELT test sample failure paths. Fracture in the Si-wafer can happen at the onset of the crack propagation and move from there back to the test materials.

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